Mixed Tocotrienls with Vitamin A, Vitamin C & Selenium
[Bio-Optimum Absorption]
What is it?
Selenium is a mineral. It is taken into the body in water and foods. People use it for medicine.
Selenium is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including stroke and “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis). It is also used for preventing various cancers including cancer of the prostate, stomach, lung, and skin.Most of the selenium in the body comes from the diet. The amount of selenium in food depends on where it is grown or raised. Crab, liver, fish, poultry, and wheat are generally good selenium sources. The amount of selenium in soils varies a lot around the world, which means that the foods grown in these soils also have differing selenium levels. In the U.S., the Eastern Coastal Plain and the Pacific Northwest have the lowest selenium levels. People in these regions naturally take in about 60 to 90 mcg of selenium per day from their diet. Although this amount of selenium is adequate, it is below the average daily intake in the U.S., which is 125 mcg.
Some people use selenium for under-active thyroid, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an eye disease called macular degeneration, hay fever, infertility, cataracts, gray hair, abnormal pap smears, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), mood disorders, arsenic poisoning, and preventing miscarriage.
Selenium is also used for preventing serious complications and death from critical illnesses such as head injury and burns. It is also used for preventing bird flu, treating HIV/AIDS, and reducing side effects from cancer chemotherapy.
Tokotrienol adalah antioksida yang lebih kuat berbanding tokoferol,ia mengandungi kesemua 4 jenis tokotrienol dengan tambahan D-alfa tokoferol
Tocotrienol with A,C & selenium the stronger vitamin!
KEBAIKAN TOKOTRIENOLS:* merendahkan tahap kolestrol
*mencegah penyakit cardiovascular seperti atheroscleresis dan angin ahmar.
*sebagai antioksida yang kuat dan bersumberkan alam semula jadi yang berfungsi di dalam organ-organ penting di dalam badan.
*melindungi dan merawat urat saraf
*sebagai agen anti penuaan
*sebagai agen anti kanser
*sebagai antioksida yang kuat
*terbukti sebagai satu agen untuk melawan sesetengah jenis kanser
*untuk melambatkan penyakit yang berpunca dari virus malah melambatkan penularan penyakit HIV/AIDS
*meningkatkan bilangan kualiti sperma
*membantu mengekalkan kesihatan rambut,kulit dan mata
*membantu dalam menjaga fungsi kelenjar thyroid
*melindungi dan menjaga kesihatan mata
*merendahkan risiko katarak(penyakit mata)
*meningkatkan sistem imunisasi
*melindungi sel-sel kulit dan anti penuaan
*beta-carotene penting dalam pembentukan tulang dan gigi yang sehat
*anti kanser
*sebagai antioksidan melindungi kulit
*meningkatkan sistem imunisasi
Kesimpulannya ...
it is very powerful in preventing cancer also anti aging wooo...... tolong la order utk insan tersayang